Sunday, September 21, 2008


My sister Marianne, a first year college student, told me through text that she has a problem with her groupmates who do not fully cooperate with her. She was assigned as the leader in their group. (Usually, her classmates would vote her as the leader.)
I told her that next time she has to learn how to say no. Being a leader means a lot but if it affects her then she has to learn how to say no. Besides, she is the leader in most of the activities so to say no in one assignment is very much valid.
I further told her that she must not carry the world upon her shoulders. All the others may be acting as crosses because they want the position which she is handling only that they were not nominated. Filipino crab mentality, right?

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

...te, thank you for the advice...

Now I just realize te that you can't please other people.>>>