Monday, September 22, 2008

Value of Love

My students were asigned last Friday to have a radio broadcasting (2nd year) and speech delivery (4th year).
Regarding the radio broadcasting activity, I was pleased with II-Harmony presentations but with II-Patience, I was quite dismayed. It is totally difficult to reach out to students who do not know how to help themselves. Most of them in II-Patience do not know the value of education. Most of them are like nails, without a carpenter they are useless.
It is totally difficult to love the unlovable...
With the fourth year, IV-Faith is showing progress. Of course, IV-Humility presentations were still superb. There were three topics I told them to choose: Value of love, value of friendship, and value of peace. Guess what? Majority chose value of love.
As expected, teenagers are really fond of the topic "love". Back when I was in high school, I also would write about love most of the time. In Fact, I have written several novelletes and poems about love.
With what these high school students show, I could recall some happy memories I have had in high school. Given the chance to relive my life, I will still happily tread on the path I've walked on. If there is something I need to change, there is only one that I will change: treating my ultimate crush fairly. I should say, I have been totally unfair to him. I've ignored him even when he tried to reach out to me. It was all my defense mechanism for him not to notice my affection towards him. Perhaps, if I had been friendly to him, there might have been a chance that the lovestory I only have imagined will be turned into reality.
If given the chance to relive my life... This is expressed in the subjunctive mood because I know time could never be turned back. Still, most of my high school memories are pleasant. Without changes, my life is near to perfection. God has been so kind to me. I hope He will always be till the end of my life. I know, God's love to me is immeasurable. Despite of my imperfections, He has never left me...

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