Thursday, September 18, 2008

Unbearable Truth (September 19,2008)

"My husband died when he was on duty yesterday. He met an accident while doing his job... A van lost its brake. My husband did not have any warning that he would be hit by that van... He died yesterday May. "
Any idea who said this? It's ate Charisse, wife of Kuya William. She is my cousin who is blessed with beauty and intelligence.
Just a short background as to who his husband is, well, Kuya William is close to our family. He is a seaman. He works in a cargo ship.
I and my ex-boyfriend were the commentators during their wedding here in Holy Child Parish Church (Tabango, Leyte). Actually, it was a double wedding. Kuya William and Ryan are brothers. They were married on the same day and at the same time. Filipinos have a belief which we call "sukob" but they do not adhere to this.
What happened may actually be only a coincidence.
Taking from the words of Ate Charisse herself "It is a reality May that people will die but what I really find it difficult to accept is that he was taken away from me very soon. We have barely spent two years as a husband and wife. Your kuya is only 32 years old. He will be 33 this October 8."
I really could not fathom how painful is this for Ate Charisse. When I visited her late this afternoon, she was carrying her baby named Angel. Angel does not have any idea at all as to why the people around her are mourning.
I wish I could ease Ate Charisse' pain but how? I know, it is really totally difficult for her.
God must have reasons why this has happened to Ate Charisse. I just hope that even in this situation Ate Charisse can still see God's hand being extended to her...

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