Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Life's Lessons

There are really many lessons that can be learned from life. Every second is coupled with a lesson to learn. Do you agree with me?


Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

Yes te I agree with that...
In fact, if you can see the door in my boarding house... I wrote there 7 secrets of success that i found the answer in my room, one of which is CLOCK SAID: EVERY SECOND IS PRECIOUS and so on..... This is really true. If you waste time then you'll repent in the future 'cause you can't turn back anymore the time which you have wasted...

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

It is a fact te!
We can't see the lessons as it is right away but for sure we will be able to see it in the next second of our life.....

Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with you ma'am...

All experiences we encounter in everyday, good or bad, shape us for life. We just don’t let any of them pass by without learning something.