Sunday, September 7, 2008

MRVNHS' Faculty & Staff Get Away to Albuera

For my regular readers, I am sorry, I was not able to post an entry yesterday. I felt exhausted due to so much fun and due to the length of travel... When I arrived at home (with my mother and sister) around 7:15 p.m., I immediately slept.
I have been to Albuera a couple of times already but it was my first time to go to "Baybayon ni Agalon Beach Resort". Spending time with the persons I work with in a different place help us to unwind and get to know each other better.
I love to visit places. Why? Going to a place provides new experiences. It makes you realize that the world is not only composed of your hometown. Furthermore, you will also gain insights in terms of traditions and customs. No place is better than the other, I believe. Yes, "there is no place like home" but it does not mean that your home is better other hometowns. There are many things which may be found in the place you went to that are not in hometown or it is vice-versa.
From among the places I went to, my realizations are these:
#1 No matter which place you are, people seek for happiness. People have strengths and weaknesses.
#2 Places provide new experiences.
#3 Each place has a different custom and tradition.
#4 In each place, friendship can be started.
#5 Every place has people which comes and goes.


Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

hi te....
oh yes!!! already included though the word appeared there is not my name but at least there is the word sister & that's ME...
hehehe >chika la btaw te<

Dohr said...

hello ma'am reah...muztah n po kamu there?
gemalie here, nagungumusta la hir...;-)

Inday May said...

To Gemalie:
We're fine inday. thanks for taking time in sending a message here in my blog. If you've got time, you may just read my entries here...

-Ma'am Reah