Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Distorted Image of God

After my last period class, on my way to the faculty room I've passed by the JICA Building. In one of the rooms there, I saw my mother talking with one of my co-teachers. The eyes of this co-teacher was welling with tears.
She poured her heart out about her family problems. My mother excused herself so there were only the two of us left. I wish I could do something for her... But how could her problems be solved?
I know, listening to her unraveling her heartaches would somehow ease the pain that she feels deep inside. Her parents and siblings are very dependent to her because she is the only one who has finished a degree.
When she said "Mag-unsa man ko, mao man ni gihatag sa Ginoo sa akoa," in a nice way I told her, that kind of thinking is a distorted image of God. I explained that God is so good. He has gifted us - human beings with will. It is true, he knows the past, present, and future but it is totally unfair to blame God for all our misfortunes.
What she is suffering is a fruit of wrongs decisions made by her parents. Parenting is not easy, right? There are many of them. To be exact "Ate" has seven siblings. Had her parents exercised self-control before then there could only be two or three of them. Life for them would be totally different them.
Anyway, we can't undo what has been done already. What she can do is not to blame her parents. It is already there anyway so she only has to start the change in her own family. She has to make the life of her parents a source of lessons.

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

..i just hope, that co-teacher of yours te will realize that God is really good though most of us are saying that why have God do this to me or should i say blaming God for all the misfortunes of our life but it is only a distorted image of God (as what you've said)..