Tuesday, September 30, 2008

'Not all we want is what we get"

Have you ever experienced not being able to get what you want? Many times perhaps, right? To those who think that I always get what I want, you are absolutely wrong.
"I believe in love... I believe in dreams... I believe in miracles..." Sounds familiar? Very much! It is because these are lines of a famous song.
Sometimes, some of your friends do not intentionally do it but they already have added injury to the wound. That is what I have experienced today. They have opened a topic for conversation about a "lost love." (Actually, he is not my ex-boyfriend.)
My life is an open book to my coteachers. They know me very well because most of them were my teachers in high school. They know one chapter of my life which I would like to forget but maybe I am given this situation so I would know how to accept 'realities.'
It was 'us' in my dream world. As said by his friends and relatives, I am the 'love' of his life and so is he in my heart. Well, not all love stories have happy endings. This is a great lesson which I have learned. It is only in fairy tales that love stories always end happily for in reality there are many factors that affect why a love story could not just end happily. He is already married (forced to marry a woman who makes her way to get what she wants)...
Well, partly I have contributed to the present situation. I made a choice then - to focus on my studies or to have a boyfriend at an early age. I chose the former because I am the eldest and I would like to set as an example to my younger siblings. How would they follow what I say if what I say is totally different with what I do? I vowed not have a boyfriend while I was in high school and college. I was true to the choice I have made. Hence, I finished my degree with flying colors...
Because of the choice I have made, I have attained my goals - to be an example to my sisters and to give my medals and certificates to my parents as my presents for them during Graduation Day.
Moreover, because of that choice, looking for a job is not a problem because jobs are being offered to me.
Consequently, because of that choice I lost my "dream man." How sad! You might say... But I am really aware of the fact that I cannot have it all.
I know when I made the choice before, I have chosen something for a greater good. I don't regret for what I have chosen. I still believe that God has reserved one (much better than him) for me. God's ways are not my ways so I will just have to wait. God's time is the perfect time after all...


Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

Ate May, I know there is a man which is for you and better than him....

As I can see he can't make decisions for himself...>i know his an intelligent man but he can't stand on his own<. Maybe in the future he will regret why he didn't find ways and means just to have you....hahahaha...

angelo said...

Hello ma'am, upon reading this blog of your's I did realize that not all love stories have happy endings. They may look perfect at the beginning but time would decide if the story you have will last. Thanks for the blog ma'am, I know you know I am just like that of your story being told,(hehehehe) but anyway thanks. Reality really is to be accepted. I'm hoping to read more of your blogs ma'am. God Bless. Have a pleasant day.