Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dealing with Disappointments

This afternoon, a 4th year student confessed to me why she was absent for two days. She was hesitatant to tell me at first but I was able to persuade her to tell me the reason/s for her absence. She told me she had a hard time accepting her frustration.
She was told to go to a place with a teacher. Unfortunately, a supervisor told our school head that reservations were already done a month ago. Our school was not able to have reservations ahead of time. Thus, her trip with the teacher will be cancelled.
I understand that this student is really anticipating to be able to avail the opportunity but I explained to her that life is like that. There are many things we expect yet, there are circumstances that hinder these expectations to be realized.
I told her, opportunities will still come her way and that as young as she is, she has to know how to face disappointments.
Frustrations are part and parcel of life but the way you deal with these make a difference. A lot of times, I have been faced with disappointments. Though people may think I am very blessed, I also have my share of frustrations/disappointments.
I further told her that the disappointments I have come across did not hinder me to go on with my life. In fact, I've considered those as challenges for me to be better and wiser. Well, if we wallow on derailments, nothing will happen to us. . . 'cause from time to time we would come across these challenges. We just need to be brave and accept the reality that NOT ALL WE WANT IS WHAT WE GET or that WE JUST CANNOT HAVE IT ALL.

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

. . . . . hmMmMm . . . .
I can relate my feelings when I was a highschool student. Many times I felt such frustrations especially about going to Baguio and see my ultimate crush which is Sam Concepcion. When our SSG Adviser told me about it, I felt so much excitement and anticipation. But the day after my adviser told me, I felt frustration deep in my heart or should i say "very big frustration in my life"... It is because he told me that our school has no fund so our trip will be cancelled.
[Just like what she felt]. I am even jealous to the officers of the SSG right now because MRVNHS has a fund already for this year and to the succeding years so, whenever they have conference in other places they can immediately go.. Huh! But during my time?... Well , it is only up to frustration.....

I think you are very correct te that life is like that and not all what we want will come true. We really need to move on 'cause if we will live in frustrations we can't enjoy life as it is... Right te??? >hehehe.....<