Friday, September 5, 2008

Providing opportunities to students

"I'm a teacher who makes a difference."

This is my goal. Many of you might react 'cause you think it is an unreachable dream.

What are my steps to make a difference?

#1 I really prepare for my lessons. With or without the supervision of anyone, I do what I am supposed to do.

#2 I provide opportunities for students to grow.

#3 I am consistent with the rules I want my students to follow.

Most of the times, students say I'm strict but I'm not affected. In fact, I am happy for such a comment. I'd rather be strict and my students learn from me than be too kind and my students might abuse.

Most of the time, my being strict is only a facade. Yes, that is true. My heart bleeds when I reprimand a student but if that is the best way for him/her to learn I am willing to do it over and over agin.

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

..well, 8 s really good te that you have a passion for teaching.
I salute you for that!

[I just hope that other teachers will do the same.]

Keep up the good work te..