Monday, September 8, 2008

"When It rains..."

Are you familiar with the saying, "when it rains, it pours"?
Well, early in the morning today, Ma'am Chona (my school head) asked me to encode a travel order for Tito Rene. I did, after a while, a parent came asking a form 137. In another while, a student came asking for a good moral certificate. All of those requests have to be fast 'cause Ma'am Chona dropped by only. She was going to Merida Vocational School to attend a one-week training.
Then, Noy Artem (the guard) asked me to be his spokesperson. He wanted to invite my coteachers to have lunch at their house. I informed my coteachers about it. After I have accomplished all the requests, I went to the faculty room. Tito Jun Garnica went there too. He asked me to inform my coteachers that he is giving out snacks during recess time (9:45 a.m.) and dinner (which starts at 5p.m.).
What's the ocassion? Its the fiesta at Tabuc-Suba (Noy Artem's place) and it is Tito Jun's birthday.
When I made the announcement, I told my corteachers:
"Set aside your diet program today. Mark these in your planner:
9:45 - Snacks at the faculty room (Coutesy of Tito Jun)
12:00 - Lunch at Noy Artem's residence
5:00 - Dinner at Tito Jun's House"
Personally, I have set aside my diet program. That's only for today anyway...
Given these situations, can you also conclude that "when it rains, it pours"?

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

What a conclusion te!
For me its just coincidence...
hehehe >",<