Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On Friendship

My topic with the 4th year high school students is on "hallmarks of friendship." Students seem to be interested of the topic. Precisely because many of them can relate. Everybody in each class has a friend. The poorest person I believe is the one who does not have any friend at all.

For my 26 years of stay in this world, I can say that generally there are three kinds of friends:
a. true friends
They are persons who are willing to accept you for what you are. They know your strengths and weaknesses but still they remain faithful to you.

b. close friends
They are persons whom you are comfortable talking or spending time with. You agree on a lot of topics. You feel comfortable with each other's company.

c. fair weather friends
They are persons who are there when you have somthing to give them. When you shine, they are there but when time comes that your star run out of light, they also fade away.

"Friends are flowers in the garden of life." We seek true friends but we cannot avoid that there are fair weather friends. Just like a garden, its beauty depends on the variety of flowers that you see in it. To make our garden of life, wider and better, we need friends.

As for me, I do not need a vast garden. I am not after of quantity but of quality of friends. What is the use of having many when they are only flowers that bloom for a single minute and fade away during the time that you need them most?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We like the write up since it is all about friendship. We do agree with the statement that “Friends are the flowers in the garden of life.” Yes, it is true. For without friends, we could barely survive in this world full of sorrow and loneliness. We also believe that “No one is an island”. So, we really need to have friends. But all flowers fade away. Some may not fade right away but as time goes by, they will all do. But even though the flowers in our garden may fade and leave us, we still can plant and grow more flowers. They may fade in due time but at least they had brought beauty and color in our garden even just for a short while. But we are assured in Proverbs 17:17 that “there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother”. And that Friend is Jesus. He is the only Friend that never fades. Through thick and thin He is always by your side.

from: Jensen Rico, Vivian Cuizon, Floramie Manriquez and Genafel Caminero