Wednesday, September 17, 2008

History Repeats Itself

"History repeats itself."

A coteacher told me at past 5p.m. that he now feels how his parents have felt before when he would sneak out of the house just to attend a disco. He said it is not an "easy feeling". It is now that he understood why his parents wanted him to just stay at home. It was more for his own advantage. He further told me, he now can attest that history really repeats. This time, it is not him who sneaks out but his son.
I was like a counselor today. I've talked to students and also to their parents. I'm not actually against students having "special friends" but I told them not to be crossing boundaries. As young as they are, their focus should be their studies. Lovelife can be set aside. It must not be their priority. Puppy love will fade. I have experienced that. I also liked a classmate before. I even thought of it as love but as time passed by it faded away. Well, I did not engage in any special relationship when I was in high school and college. It was more of my choice because I was determined to finish my studies with flying colors.
I just hope, in case I will have a family of my own, my children (if ever I will have) will tread on the path I've taken. It might not be all the bricks on the path I've walked on, but most of it will do...

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

Oh yes te your right!. . .
I am lucky that our parents care for us through a continuous reminders and made policies in our family...(i realized that its fot our own good naman eh, right te?)