Saturday, September 20, 2008

Special Saturday

Early this morning, I went to Ate Jojilyn's apartment to give her a copy of my exams and to hand my gift to Diane. It's Diane's 5th birthday today. What I like about this child is that she is really very perceptive. She also has a zeal for education.

As soon as I gave her my present, she opened it. When she saw what it was, she was very thankful. That is another attitude that I really appreciate. I gave her color pencils. She immediately used those.

At 9a.m., Ate Jojilyn, Richard and two MLB workers conducted a test on grammar to 25 persons (4th year students and out of school youth).

I had two tutorial classes. I cancelled the other schedule 'cause I really needed time to rest. i have overworked the past few weeks. I still adhere to the saying that "health is wealth." A Filipino adage also says "Aanhin pa ang damo kung patay na ang kabayo?" I had a whole body massage. It's my way of pampering myself. That's why I say, it's a special Saturday because I gave time for myself to have a long time for rest...

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