Friday, September 12, 2008

In God's Time

Many of us dream to be successful in any aspects of our lives. It took me several experiences before I realize that what I ask for is actually given by God.
Of course, I know that God answers in three ways:
1. Yes and gives you what you want
2. No but gives you something else
3. Wait and He gives you the best
Hypocrisy aside, there were times that I felt downhearted because what I ask for was not granted. Well, several experiences proved that God actually has given me answers. It took me several days or even months to realize this.
I do not know if you will agree with me but I believe most of us are impulsive. We want to get what we ask for immediately. I'm used to that also. Since I was young, I was very prayerful and that what I ask for then, were really given. As I grew older, God gives answers still but this time, it is more of "No" and "Wait". Many are blesings in disguise. As time passes by, I see God's answers not in the way I wanted them to be but they are much better than I could ever imagine.

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

..well, that's my sister..
An optimistic kind of person and a religious one.
May God bless you always te.