Thursday, September 4, 2008

Practice for the Chamber Theater

Our school will join the Chamber Theater, flok dance and declamation contests which will be held at LAIS, Leyte, Leyte on September 15, 2008.

I'm tasked to be the coach for chamber theater and declamation. I've chosen six students for chamber theater and one for declamation. Coaching for such contests is not easy but I take it as a challenge. I told these students involved that our target is to win but of course, we should have a heart to accept defeat. However, I told them, we have to be good competitors.

What does it mean? I told them, if we win then the reason should be that we are great. If in case we lose, all the others should say that we are also good and that there is only a minimal point difference.

During the practice, I'm really very strict. I just hope these students will realize that my being strict is for their own good. After all, they are the ones greatly benefited especially if they win.

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

How I wish I'm still highschool student right now so I can join the chamber theater or even the declamation....'Cause I really want to experience how it feels to be part of it. But its a reality that I am now a college student so I don't have the oppurtunity to join. They are very blessed because they experienced this kind of competition. Hope they'll do their best during the contest.. I wish for your success...

Bring home the beacon te! For sure it will be the pride of the Tabangohanons if ever you'll win.
May God bless you all. . .