Friday, September 26, 2008

Office Politics

In an organization, you cannot help it, there are really people who would say something no matter how good you are to them. In my case, I have learned to accept that fact. When I was at the dawn of my teaching career, I was easily affected with what others say. Immediately, my response to the situation would be a pail of tears.
A present, I have passed the stage of being a "cry baby." No matter what others say, I take their words as criticisms. I try to reflect what they say and if they are only merely expressing an unfounded opinion I don't actually mind them. They are the "dogs" of my life. (Remember the previous analogy shared by Dr. Colasito?) Or if the situation calls for it, I would ask the person concerned to have a dialog with me so we can clarify he issues...
Life does not have to be that complicated and bearing heartaches would not make us appear more beautiful... So why keep grudges, when we can store happy memories in our hearts?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i get a really good lesson from this topic since I'm a kind of person who keeps hatred inside..,tanx for posting this one..:)