Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wrong Conclusions

One of my coteachers who is very dear to me told me that she really was irritated last night because she was said to be the source of gossip. I was stunned because I know this person very well. How could she be a source of gossip? She narrated how it happened.
How did it happen? It was a wrong conclusion of a particular person who was actually the source of gossip. This person tried to use her name to cover up what she is doing.
I know how this coteacher feels because I too had undergone the same plight. Mine was even worse than what she had experienced. Why? It is because one person falsely warned our school head to be extra careful with me and my mother. This person accused my mother and I to be backbiters.
You ask the teachers who are very close to me, they can attest what I say about our school head.
What I always say is I admire how Ma'am Chona treats the "other persons" staying in their house. What more? I always tell them that Ma'am is not boastful and that in their house, she really is very simple.
Tell me, what is wrong with what I said? These are statements of facts.
Anyway, there are really people who just would like to act like crabs. They just cannot be happy with other people's success. Worse, they try to cover up their own wrong doings by making other people appear as bad as they are.
I remember the words of my favorite teacher in college - Dr. Franklin Colasito said "On your way to the market, May, dogs barked you. What will you do? Will you proceed in going to the market or are you going to go back to your house?" This analogy lingers in my mind whenever I meet unpleasant situations.
I clearly remember that I said "I will continue going to the market Sir."
Then he said, "That's right. Just look for ways so that these dogs will go away from you. You need to have a clear direction as to where you are going. It is not that when trials come your way, you become chicken-hearted. On your way up, people will try to pull you down. Do not mind them. If you know that what you are doing is right, then, don't panick. Do not be affected with narrow-minded people."

1 comment:

Marianne Abe Pasayloon said...

..that's the crab mentalty te
(sad to say but most Filipino's are

Just don't be affected te because there will be a perfect time that she will learn from what she's doings..
I'm really sure of that! So why be affected te? hehehe

I know she's just jealous of what you can... [hahaha] right te?